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B E   B O L D E R


N O W  O N L I N E

P A R T  O N E 




  • Manage nerves and self-doubt

  • Carry yourself with confidence

  • Handle being the center of attention

  • Be compelling and memorable

  • Be heard - project your voice & have vocal variety - no more monotone!

  • Manage the energy in the room so you're not overwhelmed

  • Prepare so the first 3 minutes of your talk or speech are vibrant rather than nerve wracking

  • Allow your WHY, passion, & purpose to ground you




P A R T  T W O 






  • Tell a story that makes an impact

  • Share authentically

  • Get people's attention right away, keep it, and finish strong

  • Discern what your audience needs and how to give it to them

  • Be compelling online! Whether you are presenting or being part of a meeting

  • Do 87 push-ups (just kidding!)

  • Deal with your pesky hands

  • Move on stage

  • Add humor

  • Avoid death by powerpoint

  • Prepare & rehearse

  • Get out of your own way!


You'll also get to:

Write a short talk, deliver it and receive feedback

And there will be a Q & A where I'll field questions and help you navigate communication challenges you are facing.

T H E   D E T A I L S!



P A R T  O N E - 3 hours

Saturday, DATE TBD

1pm ET/ 10am PT


P A R T  T W O - 3 hours

Saturday,  DATE TBD

1pm ET/ 10am PT


F O R:  Ages 18 and older


W H E R E:  Zoom


Once you register, you will receive a Zoom link.


C O S T: 





Y O U ' L L  L E A R N  H O W  T O:

Y O U ' L L  L E A R N  H O W  T O:

T W O  D A Y

B O O T C A M P!

Participants must pay in advance for the workshop.

(This payment is non-refundable.) 


To learn about our payment policies, please click here.

You'll also get
a copy of
my new book! 

And you'll

get a copy

of my book!

Q U E S T I O N S?

email me!

D  O   Y O U   R E L A T E  ? 


  • You deeply want to make an impact on the world, but your fears related to public speaking are holding you back?


  • Had negative experiences getting in front of people that now cause you to avoid speaking opportunities?


  • Been giving presentations for a while, but feel you could grow and up your game?


  • Need a safe and encouraging space in which to face your fears and transform?

C O M E  J O I N   M E!

Amanda-40 - cropped- brightened 2.jpg

"Amanda Hennessey is a gifted coach. She works from a place of compassion and empathy, and uses both to create a supportive and productive learning environment. She has an unparalleled ability to reframe a challenging situation to make it feel like an opportunity. Her insight is unique, her sense of humor is delightful, and her wisdom is invaluable.


In short, her workshops are everything I anticipated and much more."


Amy M.


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