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B E   B O L D E R   B O O T C A M P  2

N O W  O N L I N E

Y O U ' R E  R E A D Y  F O R  M O R E! 


L E T ' S  D O  T H I S!



This Bootcamp will help you

up your game when it comes to :


  • Presenting

  • Answering questions after a presentation 

  • Networking skills - creating an elevator pitch that feels

         natural and authentic



P R E R E Q U I S I T E: 

Attendees must have attended a previous BPS workshop

or received coaching from Amanda.



A T  T H E  W O R K S H O P


Each person will present and receive feedback. Attendees can choose to have their presentation recorded...or not!


After each presentation, Amanda and the class will ask questions about the content and the presenter will practice fielding questions (and receive coaching along the way).


The remainder of the workshop will focus on networking skills / elevator pitches. Folks will draft a conversational description of their work and practice it with a partner and with the group.


H O M E W O R K  I N  A D V A N C E:


Participants must prepare a 5-8 minute talk in advance of the workshop. (No slides! Just you!) It could be a work presentation, a wedding toast, or folks could create a talk using the guidelines used at a previous workshop (please let me know if you need a reminder of what those are).


Prepare to the best of your ability so you can get the most out of the workshop. Preparation and rehearsal are what set you up for success!




oh good!


Team Talk

D A T E: 


9:00am - 12:30pm


F O R: Ages 18 and older


P R E R E Q U I S I T E: 

Attendees must have attended

a previous BPS workshop or received coaching

from Amanda


W H E R E:  Zoom


C O S T: 


Limited to 8 participants


S I G N  M E  U P !

Students must pay in advance for the workshop.  (This payment is non-refundable.) 


To learn about our payment policies, please click here.

“Amanda Hennessey is a gem.  


She has a unique approach in her coaching of public speaking skills. It is not the typical “pad and paper/lecture” approach. Instead, she uses her acting background to allow participants to tap into a part of themselves never previously explored. Amanda is a coach…a cheerleader…a role model.  


Thank you, Amanda for your transformational approach to public speaking that helped me learn more about myself than I ever thought possible.”   


—Lori P., Nonprofit Consultant 

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